Misc. Airmails
4th June 1936 South Atlantic flight of Air France.
Chile to Darjeeling via Marseilles
Chile to Darjeeling via Marseilles
Flight from Jakkur Airport
Bangalore, 14 November 1967 (Children's Day)
Bangalore, 14 November 1967 (Children's Day)
Cover with a special cachet Jakkur Airport 14-11-1967 12 noon and small aeroplane design in the middle. Franked with 15p value stamp, and tied with Exptl S.O. / BG-601 / 14-11-67 cds. Addressed to Calcutta and arrival mark on verso CALCUTTA G.P.O. 13-11-1967.
Postcard with a special cachet Jakkur Airport 14-11-1967 12 noon and small plane design in the middle. Franked with 15np value stamp and tied with Exptl S.O. / BG-601 / 14-11-1967 cds. Additionally franked with 2p definitive cancelled Bangalore G.P.O. 14.11.67 as the landing postmark. Signed by Pilot G. Nallayya.
Rs. 1.30 Air Mail letter form issued on 26th January 1968
The cover is postmarked Bangalore 26-1-1968. Cancellation of the Day of issue can be seen on it.
Rafi Ahmed Kidwali Author
All up Airmail Scheme Commemoration Stamp on 1-4-1969
All up Airmail Scheme Commemoration Stamp on 1-4-1969
Rafi Ahmed Kidwali Author All up Airmail Scheme Commemoration Stamp folder with original stamp and technical data about it.
Golden Jubilee Commemorative Cover
The First England - Australia airmail flight 1919 - 1969.
The First England - Australia airmail flight 1919 - 1969.
Air Mail cover from Bournemouth, Australia to Bombay, India sent on 2 Apr 69
to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the First Flight from Great Britain to Australia.
to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the First Flight from Great Britain to Australia.
Air Mail cover from Bournemouth, Australia to Bombay, India sent on 12 Nov 69 to
celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the First Flight from Great Britain to Australia.
celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the First Flight from Great Britain to Australia.
Official souvenir cover from Calcutta to Melbourne in December 1969. Postmarked CALCUTTA / 4 DEC 1969. Cover with drawing of the first flight aircraft G-EAOU and images of important stops en route. Boxed cachet, '50TH ANNIVERSARY FIRST AIRMAIL FLIGHT ENGLAND TO AUSTRALIA 1919 - 1969 in English and Melbourne 14 Dec 1969 delivery stamp on reverse with a special arrival cancellation celebrating the 50th Anniversary of this flight.
Air Mail cover from Hyderabad to Australia sent on 4 Dec 69
to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the First Flight from Great Britain to Australia. Interestingly the Official cover of First Aerial Post Golden Jubilee was used on this Re-enactment of 50th Anniversary First Airmail Flight from England to Australia.
to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the First Flight from Great Britain to Australia. Interestingly the Official cover of First Aerial Post Golden Jubilee was used on this Re-enactment of 50th Anniversary First Airmail Flight from England to Australia.
50th Anniversary of First Flight from Rome to Japan 21 May 1970
Cover from Tokyo to New Delhi on 21-5-1970, tied with special flight cachet
Aeropex - 74
Souvenir Cover for AEROPEX-74, Airmail Stamp Exhibition organized by the Airmail Society of India at Calcutta on December 6-11, 1974 and with the special undated postal cancellation.
Souvenir Cover for AEROPEX-74 for, Airmail Stamp Exhibition organized by the Airmail Society of India at Calcutta on December 6-11, 1974. Cover cancelled at CALCUTTA / 8 - 12 - 74.
Special Flight for BIPEX-76
Patna, 29 October 1976
Patna, 29 October 1976
Cover flown on special flight at Patna 26 October 1976 on the occasion of BIPEX 76. Addressed to the Convener, BIPEX-76 at the special post office for BIPEX, Patna and signed by the Postmaster General, Bihar Circle, and Chief Justice, Patna High Court. Limited edition cover, SI. No. 17, and franked with 25p value stamp, tied with special cancellation of the Philatelic Bureau Patna, 28 10 76.
First Day Cover
First Powered Flight in 1903
23 December 1978
First Powered Flight in 1903
23 December 1978
First Day Cover with cancelled with a 56 A.P.O. Special Cancellation mark used for that day.
Air Mail Stamps
15 October 1979
15 October 1979
Official Brochure of Air Mail Stamps 15 October 1979.
Set sold by the National Philatelic Museum, New Delhi.
First Day Cover with all the four values issued that day and tied with the special postal cancellation mark at Bombay G.P.O.
48th Anniversary of the First Tata Air Mail Flight
15 October 1979
15 October 1979
Official First Day Cover with all four value stamps issued that day, and also franked with the Rs. 1.45 value stamp issued in 1973 to celebrate the silver jubilee of Air-India. Postally flown to UK with registration slip glued on the verso.
First Inter Island Helicopter Service - Port Blair
27 January 8?
27 January 8?
Inland Letter Card with printed 35p postage and addressed to Calcutta with the commemorative cancellation INAUGURATION OF THE INTER-ISLAND HELICOPTER SERVICE / PORT BLAIR / 27 1 8?.
International Tribute to the History of Flight 18 February 1984
The Full color cachet on this cover features the airmail postmark which Windham personally designed, along with the 50-horsepower Humber-Sommer biplane used for the flight. Also shown is one of the India's famous landmarks, the Taj Mahal. The Mint stamp on the cover was issued in India in 1961 - 50 years after Pequet's historic flight. This light colored sepia stamp features the world's first airmail postmark. This cover was postmarked in Allahabad, India on February 18, 1984 the anniversary of the world's first airmail flight.
First day cover
75th Anniversary of the First Aerial Post 18 February 1986
75th Anniversary of the First Aerial Post 18 February 1986
First day cover with two values issued that day and tied with the special postal cancellation mark at Allahabad. On the reverse is the arrival stamp at Naini and also serial number 4692. Cover was flown on the route recreation that day.
Diamond Jubilee of Civil Aviation in India Postmarked 26 December 1992
Souvenir cover issued by the Indian Aerophilatelic Society for the August Kranti Philatelic Exhibition 1992, to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee of Civil Aviation in India which was on 15 October 1992, and special Airbus A-320 postal cancellation mark dated 26 Dec 1992.
Freedom Flight on a Pushpak Aircraft
Kanyakumari to Kashmir - 7-19 November 1997
Kanyakumari to Kashmir - 7-19 November 1997
A Pushpak Aircraft VT-DWA took off from Bangalore and went onwards to Kanyakumari to start the journey that ended in Srinagar, Kashmir and then back to Bangalore. The flight started on 7 November, and ended on 19 November. Special cover issued and franked at Vimanapura 7-11-97 on the start of journey at Bangalore.
A Pushpak Aircraft VT-DWA took off from Bangalore and went onwards to Kanyakumari to start the journey that ended in Srinagar, Kashmir and then back to Bangalore. The flight started on 7 November, and ended on 19 November. Special cover issued and franked at Vimanapura 7-11-97 on the start of journey at Bangalore.
First Helicopter Mail Flight
Port Blair to Camp Bellary, Andaman & Nicobar Islands 3- December-2004
Port Blair to Camp Bellary, Andaman & Nicobar Islands 3- December-2004
Special Helicopter Mail Flight cover, first Helicopter Flight from Port Blair to Camp Bellary on 3 December 2004. Limited cover were printed and flown on this flight, verso shown the printed quantity was 300, and this cover is Sr. No. 79.
First Day Launch of India Post Freighter
12th October 2009
12th October 2009
Souvenir cover of the Air India / India Post freighter service and
bearing four postal cancellation on the front at KOLKATA dated 12.10.2009.
bearing four postal cancellation on the front at KOLKATA dated 12.10.2009.
Souvenir cover of the Air India / India Post freighter service and
bearing four postal cancellation on the front at BANGALORE, BOMBAY, NEW DELHI and GUWAHATI, all dated 12.10.2009.
bearing four postal cancellation on the front at BANGALORE, BOMBAY, NEW DELHI and GUWAHATI, all dated 12.10.2009.
Centenary of the First Official Air-Mail in the World.
18th February 1911-2011
18th February 1911-2011
Private cover to commemorate the Centenary of the First Official Air Mail on 18-02-2011. From Allahabad to New Delhi cancelled ON 18 February 2011 and have delivery mark on verso. Special black color cachet tied with this cover.
Centenary "Aerial Post" Airmail AI 101 New Delhi - New York, B777
AF 007 New York - Paris, A380.
AF 007 New York - Paris, A380.
INDIPEX 2011 , 100 Years of Airmail to commemorate the centenary of the first Aeropostale history Liaison, Indian Post issued on the occasion of the International Philatelic Exhibition INDIPEX 2011. A set of 4 stamps and a beautiful souvenir sheets as a mural depicting the feat of the French driver Henri Pequet flying his plane on the Ganges Sommer. A special postmark 100 Years of Airmail 1911-2011 was commissioned in Allahabad on February 12. On the French side, La Poste issued First Day on February 18 Airmail stamps of 2.00 EUR Henri Pequet 1st Liaison Aeropostale 1911. On both sides, there is red colored cachet centenary Aerial Post Airmail / AI 1 / New Delhi - New York, B777 / AF 007 New York - Paris, A380. On the verso, there are various postmarks depicting the various stages of the journey of the cover 100 YEARS OF AIRMAIL, 12-02-2011, INDIPEX 2011, NEW DELHI : 100 YEARS OF AIRMAIL, AIRBUS 380 FLIGHT, AF 007, NEW YORK JFK, PARIS CDG, FEB 17, 2011, 94, ROISSY, P PA AERODROME CH.DE GAULLE. This is a very rare cover since only 100 were flown.
4th International Exhibition & Conference on Civil Aviation, Hyderabad
12 March 2014
12 March 2014
Special event cover and cancellation issued on the event of 4th International Exhibition & Conference on Civil Aviation, Hyderabad commemorating the landing of the Airbus A380 in India.
Special event cover and cancellation issued on the event of 4th International Exhibition & Conference
on Civil Aviation, Hyderabad commemorating the event
on Civil Aviation, Hyderabad commemorating the event
Picture Postcard showing the Postal Mail carried by Drone. PC cancelled at Pune City on 20 Jan 2018 and franked with Rs.6 value stamp.
110 Years of Airmail 18 Feb 2021
Special Flight re-creation Stamps
Special Flight re-creation Stamps
Souvenir Folder produced by the India Postal Department
Souvenir cover produced by the Prayag Philatelic Society to commemorate the event.