Karachi to Delhi via Hyderabad and Jodhpur
Karachi to Delhi via Hyderabad and Jodhpur
E 1-1, Karachi - Hyderabad
(Image Courtesy: Terry Hare-Walker)
(Image Courtesy: Terry Hare-Walker)
E 1-2, Karachi - Jodhpur
E 1-3, Karachi - Delhi
Karachi to Delhi by Indian State Air Service 30th December 1929
Cover intended for this flight, but not flown
KGV One anna stationary cover uprated with the 2 anna airmail stamp, and hence correctly franked for carriage on this flight. Cancelled BOMBAY G.P.O. / 26 DEC 29 / 9—A.M., and endorsed “Via Karachi-Delhi / First Flight”, the cover bears a cds on the reverse DELHI / DELY / 28 DEC 29 / 10.30 A.M.
This clearly shows that the cover was not routed via Karachi, and rather was sent directly from Bombay to Delhi by surface well before the inaugural flight which was on the 30th of December.
Cover intended for this flight, but not flown
KGV One anna stationary cover uprated with the 2 anna airmail stamp, and hence correctly franked for carriage on this flight. Cancelled BOMBAY G.P.O. / 26 DEC 29 / 9—A.M., and endorsed “Via Karachi-Delhi / First Flight”, the cover bears a cds on the reverse DELHI / DELY / 28 DEC 29 / 10.30 A.M.
This clearly shows that the cover was not routed via Karachi, and rather was sent directly from Bombay to Delhi by surface well before the inaugural flight which was on the 30th of December.
Karachi was connected to Delhi by air on December 1929. First Flight cover postmarked Brimingham on 19 December 1929 flown from Karachi to Delhi 0n 30 December 1929 by Indian State Air Service (ISAS)
Indian State Air Service, 1st Flight from Karachi to Delhi on 30th December 1929.
FIrst Flight Cover, Karachi to Delhi. Reverse illustrated large block of 214a center omitted.
29-80: Couvenir cover flown from Karachi to Delhi on the first India State Air Service flight IE 39 departing from Karachi on 30 December 1929 and arrving in Delhi on 31 December. The flight was two days late coming in from London, and hence most mail was franked 2 days earlier. 3 a. postage is cancelled KARACHI, A, 28 DEC 29, 5-P.M., and the special cachet AIR MAIL, KARACHI-DELHI, FIRST FLIGHT is applied on the front. The cover is addressed to Calcutta, and on the reverse bears CALCUTTA G.P.O. DELIVERY, 2 JAN 1930, 7-HRS, and also PARK STREET, CALCUTTA, DELY, 2 JAN 30, 9.30 A.M. markings.
29-85: Cover flown from Karachi to Delhi on 30 December 1929, and onward by surface to Calcutta.
Front: Postmarked KARACHI CITY 29 DEC 29 and cachet bpxed in black. Reverse: Delivery stapm CALCUTTA G.P.O. 2 JAN 1930.
Front: Postmarked KARACHI CITY 29 DEC 29 and cachet bpxed in black. Reverse: Delivery stapm CALCUTTA G.P.O. 2 JAN 1930.
E 2-2, Hyderabad - Jodhpur
E 2-3, Hyderabad - Delhi
29-80: Couvenir cover flown from Hyderabad to Delhi on the first India State Air Service flight IE 39 departing from hyderabad on 31 December 1929 and arrving in Delhi on same day. The 3 a. postage is cancelled with speicial cachet AIR MAIL, KARACHI - DELHI,FIRST FLIGHT . THE BY CITY OF DELHI AIRVLINER cachet is also applied on the front. The cover is addressed to Calcutta, and on the reverse bears the PARK STREET CALCUTTA, DELY , 2 JAN 30, 9.30 A.M. marking and signed and dated by Stephen Smith.
29-80: Cover flwon from Hyderabad to Delhi on the first Indian State Air Service flight IE 39 departing from Hyderabad on 31 December 1929 and arrving in Delhi on the same day. The 3 a. postage is cancelled with speicial cachet AIR MAIL, KARACHI - DELHI,FIRST FLIGHT and beside this is the HYDERABAD SIND 30 DEC 29 7 - P.M. postal cancellation mark.
E 3-3, Jodhpur - Delhi
29-80: Cover flwon from Jodhpur to Delhi on the first Indian State Air Service flight IE 39 departing from Jodhpur on 31 December 1929 and arrving in Delhi on the same day. The 3 a. postage is cancelled JODHPUR, 30 DEC 29, 9.30 A.M., and the special cachet AIR MAIL, KARACHI - DELHI, FIRST FLIGHT as well as BY CITY OF DELHI AIR LINER is applied on the front. The cover is addressed to Calcutta, and on the reverse bears CALCUTTA G.P.O. DELIVERY, 2 JAN 1930, 7 - HRS, and also PARK STREET, CALCUTTA, DELY, 2 JAN 30, 9.30 A.M. markings.
Indian State Air Service
Jodhpur to Delhi on 23rd March 1931
Flight IE 103 flew from Jodhpur to Delhi on 23rd March and carried this letter.
Delivery stamp on reverse at Calcutta on 24th March, and signed by Stephen H. Smith.
Jodhpur to Delhi on 23rd March 1931
Flight IE 103 flew from Jodhpur to Delhi on 23rd March and carried this letter.
Delivery stamp on reverse at Calcutta on 24th March, and signed by Stephen H. Smith.
W 1-1, Delhi - Jodhpur
29-85: Indian State Air Service, first flight from Delhi to Jodhpur lef of return Karachi/Delhi Service, airmail envelope franked 3a, boxed Delhi-Karachi first flight cachet, and a Blue/White etiquette, rated scare by Mair.
W 1-2, Delhi - Hyderabad
(Image Courtesy: Terry Hare-Walker)
(Image Courtesy: Terry Hare-Walker)
W 1-3, Delhi - Karachi
Delhi to Karachi by Indian State Air Service
30th December 1929
Registered letter franked 7 annas, and cancelled DELHI / REG / 28 DEC 29, a cds on the reverse KARACHI / 30 DEC 29. Despite not bearing the first flight cachet, it is safe to assume this was carried on the first flight on 30th December 29.
30th December 1929
Registered letter franked 7 annas, and cancelled DELHI / REG / 28 DEC 29, a cds on the reverse KARACHI / 30 DEC 29. Despite not bearing the first flight cachet, it is safe to assume this was carried on the first flight on 30th December 29.
ISC 29-85: Cover with 8 as. Air Mail stamps issued on the 4th November 1929 on the front. The stamp are cancelled RANGOON G.P.O., 23 DEC 29, 1.30 PM. The cover then travelled by surface to Delhi and was then carried by air on return flight of the first Delhi-Karachi Inland Air Mail Service in India which was conducted by the Indian State Air Service on 30 December 1929. This connected to flight I.W. 39 of Imperial Airways leaving Karachi the same evening, and reaching Croydon on 9 January 1930.
There is also letter which was in the cover and explains the significance.
There is also letter which was in the cover and explains the significance.
29-85: Cover Postmark PARK STREET, CALCUTTA, 27 DEC 29, and flown on 30 December from Delhi to Karachi on the first flight.
Cover sent from Calcutta to Nuruberg Germany.
ISC 29-85: beautiful Registered cover with all 5 value of the Air Mail stamps issued on the 4 November 1929 on the front, and the 2 a. Inland Service Stamp issued on 20 December 1929 on the reverse. Also on the front are four Air Mail lables from India, Germany, Holland and USA. The cover then travelled by surface to Delhi and there is an arrival stamp on the verso, DELHI No. II, 29 DEC 29. The letter was then carried by on return flight of the first Delhi-Karachi Inland Air Mail Service in India which was conducted by the Indian State Air Service on 30 December 1929. This connected to flight I.W. 39 of Imperial Airways leaving Athens on 5 January 1930, from where the letter would have travelled to it's destination in Germany by Lufthansa.
ISC 29-85: beautiful Registered cover with all 5 value of the Air Mail stamps issued on the 4 November 1929 on the front, and the 2 a. Inland Service Stamp issued on 20 December 1929 on the reverse. Also on the front are four Air Mail lables from India, Germany, Holland and USA. The cover then travelled by surface to Delhi and there is an arrival stamp on the verso, DELHI No. II, 29 DEC 29. The letter was then carried by on return flight of the first Delhi-Karachi Inland Air Mail Service in India which was conducted by the Indian State Air Service on 30 December 1929. This connected to flight I.W. 39 of Imperial Airways leaving Athens on 5 January 1930, from where the letter would have travelled to it's destination in Germany by Lufthansa.
29-85: Cover flown from Delhi to Karachi on 30 December 1929.
Postmarked NEW DELHI 30 DEC. 29, and arrival stamp on verso, KARACHI DELY 30 DEC.
Postmarked NEW DELHI 30 DEC. 29, and arrival stamp on verso, KARACHI DELY 30 DEC.
29-85: 1929 (Dec 27): India-Great British First Flight Delhi - Karachi by Indian State Air Service, and onwards to Croydon by Imperial Airways cover from Calcutta to London franked with three singles of the 2a. Air stamp issued in connection with this flight, also with Air 6a. and K.G.V. 1a. all tied by Park Street cds, bicolour Air vignette and two different Air labels on front, Reg. label, Delhi 29 Dec. transit cds and Kensington 9 Jan 30 arrival date stamp on the reverse.
(Provenance: Christoph Gartner October 2016, Lot #871)
(Provenance: Christoph Gartner October 2016, Lot #871)
29-85: Souvenir cover mailed in C,alcutta postmarked PARK STREET, CALCUTTA, 27 DEC 29, with the boxed rectangular cachet in black AIR MAIL, DELHI - KARACHI, FIRST FLIGHT, and dark blue AIR MAIL label. Signed on the reverse by Stephen H. Smith and delivery stamp KARACHI, DELY, 30 DEC 29. Carried on the 1st I.S.A.S. Flight leaving Delhi on 30 December 1929.
29-85: Souvenir card of the Aero-Philatelic Club of Calcutta flown from Delho to Karachi on 30 December 1929. Cds is illigible, and has rectangular first flight cachet also a circular unpaid handstamp Karachi unpaid 31 Dec 29 with rectangular Postage Due One Anna marking.
Posted in Calcutta on 27 Dec 29, and flown from Delhi to Karachi on 30 Dec 29 via I.S.A.S.and onwards to London by Imperial Airways Backstamped rec'd 9 Jan 1930.
29-85: Registered cover mailed from Calcutta on 28 December 1929 and carried by rail to Delhi and then flown to Karachi on 30 December 1929 on the first Flight on Indian State Air Service.
Backstamped Karachi 30 Dec 29.
Backstamped Karachi 30 Dec 29.
29-85: Registered cover mailed from Calcutta on 28 December 1929 and carried by rail to Delhi and then flown to Karachi on 30 December 1929 on the first Flight on Indian State Air Service. Westwards from Karachi to Alexandria via Imperial Airways. and then to destination, Dar Es Salaam, Tanganiyka. Backstamped Port Said 4 Jan 30, Cairo 6 Jan 30, Dar Es Salaam 22 Jan 30.
29-85: Aero Philatelic Club of Calcutta Souvenir Post Card mailed in Calcutta on 28 Dec 29, and with boxed rectangular cachet, AIR MAIL, DELHI-KARACHI, FIRST FLIGHT, and flown on the first flight on this stage on 30 December 1929.
W 2-2, Jodhpur - Hyderabad
W 2-3, Jodhpur - Karachi
29-85: Cover postmakred JODHPUR, 30 DEC 29, with the boxed rectangular cachet in black AIR MAIL, DELHI - KARACHI, FIRST FLIGHT, and dark blue AIR MAIL lable. Delivery stamp KARACHI, DELY, 30 DEC 29 on the reverse. Carried on the 1st I.S.A.S. Flight leaving Delhi on 30 December 1929.
29-85: Souvenir Cover postmakred JODHPUR, 30 DEC 29, with the boxed rectangular cachet in black AIR MAIL, DELHI - KARACHI, FIRST FLIGHT, and dark blue AIR MAIL lable. Delivery stamp KARACHI, DELY, 30 DEC 29 on the reverse. Carried on the 1st I.S.A.S. Flight leaving Delhi on 30 December 1929.
W 3-3, Hyderabad - Karachi
29-85: Souvenir Cover mailed in Hyderabad, with the boxed rectangular cachet in black AIR MAIL, DELHI - KARACHI, FIRST FLIGHT, used as on obliterator and dark blue AIR MAIL lable. Delivery stamp KARACHI, DELY, 30 DEC 29 and signed by Stephen H. Smith on the reverse. Carried on the 1st I.S.A.S. Flight leaving Delhi on 30 December 1929.
1st Anniversary souvenir post card flown from Karachi to Jodhpur
1st Aero Philatelic Exhibition held in India
1st Aero Philatelic Exhibition held in India
Souvenir card on the 1st Anniversary of the Aero-Philatelic Club of Calcutta flown from Karachi to Jodhpur on 29th Dec 1930. The picture post card has a message of congratulations for Calcutta for Calcutta on the ocassion of the First Aero-Philatelic Exhibition held in India on the eve of the anniversary of the of the Delhi-Karachi Air Mail Service.