Indian Airmails
This website is for the amateur hobbyist, and contains information and image galleries of all kinds of Indian Air Mails like Airmail Postage Stamps, First Flight Covers, Postal Notices, Return Flight Covers, Crash Covers, Postal Meter Panels and other Collectibles. It is still under construction, and there is a lot more being added, so keep coming back.
9 maps showing evolution of Indian air mail routes from 1929 to 1960.
(Ref: The Story of Indian Air Transport by Mr. J.R.D. Tata - Chairman, Air-India International
at the Royal Aeronautical Society on 18 Nov 1960)
(Ref: The Story of Indian Air Transport by Mr. J.R.D. Tata - Chairman, Air-India International
at the Royal Aeronautical Society on 18 Nov 1960)
Recent Published Articles
The Dardanus incident and the Pasind 5 cachet
By Piyush Khaitan BAMS Journal Vol.65, No.261, August 2023 |
Rare WW II censorship handstamp – used only at Batanagar
By Piyush Khaitan CCSG Bul.220, Vol.50.4 - October 2023 |
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and book review. |
Air India Collector - Piyush Khaitan & Vivek Matthai
e-Magazine - 100 Knots, September 2022 edition
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e-Magazine - 100 Knots, September 2022 edition
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Cover flown on the first return flight of the Tata Karachi-Madras service (Madras-Bombay stage) on 17-18 Oct 1932 signed by pilot Neville Vintcent who went on to become the General Manager of Tata Air Services. (Very few such signed covers are known).
Registered cover sent by Prof. S. N. Bose (inventor of the Bose-Einstein Condensate) in Calcutta to Nobel Prize winner Prof. Niels Bohr at Copenhagen. It is widely believed that Prof. Bose also deserved the Nobel Prize.
Postal significance: Late use of the stamp on 29 DEC 1951. As it is a registered letter, the post office clerk had an opportunity to see the stamp and should have refused to accept it as valid postage – Improper acceptance. |
Block of four 12a. Stamps issued for use on 8 June 1948 to celebrate the first flight of Air-India International.
Click this button above to see Aerophilatelic information on
Pre-1953 Airlines. (More content being added - so keep visiting) |
Click this button above to see Aerophilatelic information on Tata Airlines.
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Click this button above to see Aerophilatelic information on Air-India.
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Click this button above to see Aerophilatelic information on Indian Airlines.
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Click this button above to see Aerophilatelic information on Zeppelin.
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England – Australia route map
Lambert & Butler’s cigarettes c. 1936
Lambert & Butler’s cigarettes c. 1936