1935 Bombay - Travancore Air Mail Services by Tata
1935 Bombay - Travancore Air Mail Services by Tata
Important note:
- The Experimental Flight from Bombay to Trivandrum via Goa and Cannanore operated on 29 October 1935 and only Bombay-Trivandrum mail was carried. There was no mail service to/from intermediate stations.
- The Experimental Flight from Trivandrum to Bombay via Cannanore and Goa operated on 1 November 1935 and only Trivandrum-Bombay mail was carried. There was no mail service to/from intermediate stations.
- The regular service from Bombay to Trivandrum via Goa and Cannanore operated on 26 November 1935 and now mail was carried to/from Cannanore in the Southward direction. There was no mail service to/from Goa.
- The regular service from Trivandrum to Bombay via Cannanore and Goa operated on 30 November 1935 and now mail was carried to/from Cannanore in the Northward direction. There was no mail service to/from Goa.
- Mail to/from Goa was not a part of this service.
In co-operation with the Government of HH the Maharajah of Travancore, Tata Sons Limited established on 29 October 1935 an experimental weekly service between Bombay and Trivandrum via Goa and Cannanore, using a Miles Merlin. The consent of the Portuguese Government was necessary for the call to be made at Goa and the Government of India agreed to the use of a military landing ground at Cannanore.
The service connected at Bombay with Tata’s Karachi-Madras service and carried passengers, freight and mail. As compared with surface transport, it showed a saving of 20 hours on the journey from Bombay to Goa, 42½ hours from Bombay to Cannanore and 46 hours from Bombay to Trivandrum.
Mails for or from Goa and Cannanore were not accepted on this flight and those so addressed were carried on to Trivandrum and Bombay as appropriate. Mails were first carried to and from Cannanore on 26 and 30 November 1935.
The service connected at Bombay with Tata’s Karachi-Madras service and carried passengers, freight and mail. As compared with surface transport, it showed a saving of 20 hours on the journey from Bombay to Goa, 42½ hours from Bombay to Cannanore and 46 hours from Bombay to Trivandrum.
Mails for or from Goa and Cannanore were not accepted on this flight and those so addressed were carried on to Trivandrum and Bombay as appropriate. Mails were first carried to and from Cannanore on 26 and 30 November 1935.
Director-General's and Postal Notices for this flight
Postal Notice
22nd November 1935 Click on image to enlarge it. Postal Notice
29th November 1937 Click on image to enlarge it |
Director-General's Circular No. 36
1st October 1936 Click on image to enlarge it. Postal Notice
24 April 1939 Click on image to enlarge it |
Postal Notice
15th September 1937 Click on image to enlarge it |
Director-General's Circular No.
15th September 1937 Click on image to enlarge it |
S 1-1, Bombay - Goa
S 1-2, Bombay - Cannanore
S 1-3, Bombay - Trivandrum
35-70: Double flight card. Flown on both sectors, and then onwards to Paris. Postal Stationery domestic 9 pies KGV post card with additional 1a 3p franking, and flown from Bombay to Trivandrum on this flight on 29 October 1935, and then flown back by the return flight from Trivandrum to Bombay on 1 November 1935. Card re-directed to Paris. Also on top left corner is an uncommon flight cachet in black.
S 2-2, Goa - Cannanore
S 2-3, Goa - Trivandrum
S 3-3, Cannanore - Trivandrum
35-81: Cover flown from Cannanore to Trivandrum. Registered cover with Cancellation at Cannanore on 26th November, 1935 on the front, and delivery mark Trivandrum 1 Dec 35 on verso as well as a Registration office hand stamp. Only 25 covers believed to be flown.
N 1-1, Trivandrum - Cannanore
N 1-2, Trivandrum - Goa
N 1-3, Trivandrum - Bombay
Cover sent from Trivandrum to Bombay, franked with 1a postal stamp and cancelled by FIRST FLIGHT TRIVANDRUM-BOMBAY 1 NOV 1935. Cover signed by pilot B.K.N. Rao.
Cover that flew on the first Tata flight from Trivandrum to Bombay on 1 November 1935. Franked only 1 anna, the cover is understamped. The surface letter rate was 1 a + Air Fee 1 a would require a minimum 2 a franking.
N 2-2, Cannanore - Goa
N 2-3, Cannanore - Bombay
35-80: Cover flown from Cannanore to Bombay. Registered cover with Cancellation at Cannanore on 29th November, 1935 on the front, and delivery mark Inland Registration Dept, Bombay G.P.O., 30 Nov 35 on verso. Only 25 covers believed to be flown.
N 3-3, Goa - Bombay