LZ-13 Hansa
1913 Flight
Official Delag (Deutsche Luftschiffahrts-Aktien-Gesellschaftt) Post Card showing the view over Berlin, posted on board the LZ 13, Hansa. Delag was founded by Count Zeppelin in 1909, and operated several airships.
The Post Card has a margin pair of Deutsche Reich 5 pf. adhesives tied with an On Board mark LUFTPOST HANSA 28 10 13
The Post Card was originally addressed to Bombay, and has a transit mark SEA POST OFFICE, BOMBAY-ADEN, B, 9 NO 13
There is then an arrival mark at Bombay BOMBAY G.P.O. 14.NOV.13, 8.30 A.M.
The Post Card was then redirected to Karwar, and there is an arrival mark at Karwar KARWAR, DEL, 18.NO.13
1. Later annotation in pencil: Flight over Postdam, to India ( Rare!), 56 II.
2. Expertised by RPSL in January 2015.
Catalogue References Frost Item 13 - 5. Airmail, On board 3, Confirmation Mark 13 On Board 3.
Michel Item 13 B) i, Board postmark (BPSt) BPSt 2
The Post Card has a margin pair of Deutsche Reich 5 pf. adhesives tied with an On Board mark LUFTPOST HANSA 28 10 13
The Post Card was originally addressed to Bombay, and has a transit mark SEA POST OFFICE, BOMBAY-ADEN, B, 9 NO 13
There is then an arrival mark at Bombay BOMBAY G.P.O. 14.NOV.13, 8.30 A.M.
The Post Card was then redirected to Karwar, and there is an arrival mark at Karwar KARWAR, DEL, 18.NO.13
1. Later annotation in pencil: Flight over Postdam, to India ( Rare!), 56 II.
2. Expertised by RPSL in January 2015.
Catalogue References Frost Item 13 - 5. Airmail, On board 3, Confirmation Mark 13 On Board 3.
Michel Item 13 B) i, Board postmark (BPSt) BPSt 2