Air-India International 8 June 1948 Inaugural route from Bombay to London via Cairo and Geneva.
India’s flag carrier proudly took to the skies on June 8, 1948, when a L-749 Constellation, Malabar Princess, inaugurated a weekly service between Bombay and London by way of Cairo and Geneva. The return trip departed three days later and, with a schedule of less than 24 hours, was the fastest then available between the UK and India. Service was initially limited to a single weekly round trip; it was not until November 1948 that political tensions sufficiently eased in the Middle East to permit twice weekly service. Then, with the arrival of two improved L-749A Constellations in August 1950, Air-India’s sole long-haul route upgraded to five flights per fortnight. [P1]
Route map for Bombay to London from timetable 10 May 1949
Coaster & Decal use on this route
The Air-India Maharajah is present in every Air-India coaster & decal design. In many designs, he is in his royal costume, and in others he is dressed in the traditional attire of the destination mentioned in the coaster. Sometimes alone, many of the times he is with a native woman in her traditional attire. Other times he is with a man, and sometimes with an animal. Always smiling, always cheerful
Inauguration of a weekly Bombay / London service via Cairo and Geneva with Constellation VT-CQP "Malabar Princess".
VT-CPQ Malabar Princess
(Image Courtesy: Mallery Thierry ) 11 June 1948 London Airport, VT-CQP Malabar Princess prior to departure on 1st Scheduled E'bound service.
Passengers boarding the Constellation VT-CQP "Malabar Princess" at London on June 11th, 1948,
When the first air-India service departed London from Bombay. London 9th June 1948 Arrival of 1st Schedule Service from Bombay VT-CPQ Malabar Princess.
Left to Right: Capt Jatar, f/o Dhuru, Hasliss Miss McCay, R/o Sule, F/E Desouza, Chief Hasliss Miss Salway, N/O Mani and flight Purses Ganesh. (ex-John Stroud Collection) |
On this proudiest day of Indian Aviation Government of Indian had issue Special commemorative stamp.
The postal authorities decided to issue a special commemorative stamp for the Air-India flight on 8 June 1948. All the more, they decided that this would be printed in limited quantities, and be valid only for use on the day of the flight, and that too, only on mail to be flown on that flight. This was something really unique. Imagine a postage stamp issued valid for use on only one day, and on only one plane journey, from Bombay to London, via Cairo and Geneva.
A block of four 12 as value stamps issued to commemorate the first flight from Bombay to London. The stamp shows a Lockheed Constellation L-749A Airplane with the legend AIR-INDIA INTERNATIONAL, FIRST FLIGHT, 8TH JUNE 1948, INDIA POSTAGE, 12 AS.
One of the only two extant postal notices. It gives details of the stamp as well as special instructions for preparing covers for the flight including the various bureaus at which covers would be available and accepted, and the procedure for the same. Arrangements for back stamping or lack of it at Cairo, Geneva and London is also mentioned.
The issue also received wide publicity in the newspapers, and was written about across the country. The news clipping below appeared in the New Delhi papers.
Air mail cover flown on this route
First Day Cover (29th May 1948) and First Flight Cover (8th June 1948).
An equally interesting cover is this one, cancelled CHURCHGATE STREET, BOMBAY, 29 MAY 48, 5.30 P.M. This makes it a First Day Cover. The cover also has the First Flight cachet, establishing that is was carried on the first flight on 8 June 1948 as well to England, making this cover a very interesting First Day Cover - cum - First Flight Cover. |
Special small white Air Mail covers with the Tricolour and the first flight legend for the event were issued free of cost by the postal authorities and larger red colour covers with an image of the aircraft and the legend were issued by Air-India as well.
An unused souvenir cover issued by the Postal Department. These covers were available free of cost at post offices to those persons who bought the 12 as commemorative stamp.
The official cover addressed to Cairo.
Though the air mail rate to Cairo was only 10 as., mail to Cairo was overstamped by 2 as. The stamp is tied with the boxed rectangular cachet, AIR MAIL, BOMBAY-LONDON, 8-6-48, FIRST FLIGHT. also a cds BOMBAY G.P.O., 8 JUN 48, and a round Cairo arrival stamp on the front of the cover. |
The official cover addressed to London.
This is an example of a correctly stamped cover to London with the required 12as. postage. The stamp is tied with the boxed rectangular cachet, AIR MAIL, BOMBAY-LONDON, 8-6-48, FIRST FLIGHT. also a cds BOMBAY G.P.O., 8 JUN 48. There is generally no arrival stamp on the London mail, and apparently the Postmaster at the London G.P.O. was not too happy with this new Air-India service, and he made his displeasure known by refusing to affix an arrival mark. |
Top: The official cover addressed to Geneva.
This is an example of a correctly stamped cover to Geneva with the required 14as. postage. The stamp is tied with the boxed rectangular cachet, AIR MAIL, BOMBAY-LONDON, 8-6-48, FIRST FLIGHT. also a cds BOMBAY G.P.O., 8 JUN 48. |
Below: A circular arrival mark at Geneva dated 9.VI.1948, and a boxed rectangular cachet applied on arrival on the verso.
Souvenir cover issued by Air-India
Special large rectangular illustrated Air Mail covers were issued by Air-India. Colourful, with a large bold red panel on the top, and a smaller greenish blue panel below, they had a oval white space to print the address. The cover had a drawing of the Lockheed Constellation L-749A Mogul Princess (VT-CQS), one of the first three aircraft delivered to Air-India. In fact, it was the Malabar Princess (VT-CQP) that actually had the honour of undertaking the maiden voyage.
Air-India Souvenir cover addressed to Cairo. has the 12 as. stamp, and was over-stamped by 2 as., as the Letter rate by Air Mail to Egypt was only 10 as. Arrival stamp in Arabic script on the front of the cover as well.
Air-India Souvenir cover addressed to Geneva. Since the postage rate to Geneva was 14 as. the sender has correctly added 2 as. postage on the reverse. Arrival mark at Geneva (9-VI 48) is also on the reverse.
Air-India Souvenir cover addressed to London. Correctly franked with the 12 a. airmail letter rate, the cover does not have any arrival mark at London. The Postmaster at London G.P.O. was clearly unhappy at the thought of Air-India carrying mail to London, something done exclusively by B.O.A.C. so far, and he expressed his displeasure by refusing to affix arrival marks on these covers.
Return flight cover
Return mail from london
Air-India International souvenir cover with the words London - Bombay Inaugural Flight printed on it. Generally when one sees such a printed cover, it is normal to expect a large quantity to be prepared, and used. However, such examples are rarely seen for this flight, and collectors still imagine there is a hoard somewhere that will surface one day. The One Shilling postage stamp is cancelled with a comet cancellation, LONDON S.W.1, G, 6 PM, 10 JNE 1948. (Image courtesy Harsh Gupta - The Rudraksha Collection)
Return mail from Geneva
Mail on the return flight from Geneva is even more difficult to see. For some strange reason, no ordinary letters by Air Mail seem to have made it on the flight. One story is that the post-bag with the return mail was misplaced and sent on the next flight a week later. You will see an example of this in the panel below. So, only registered mail seems to have made it on the return flight. Assuming that only one batch of covers was sent registered, it should be possible to guess the quantity by identifying the range of registration numbers from the labels. I have displayed below# 285 & 306. A. K. Bayanwalla has illustrated # 290 on his web-site. That one is a beautiful Air-India International red souvenir cover with the words London - Bombay Inaugural Flight printed on it, and addressed to Jal Cooper, Bombay. Going by this information, I would guess that about 30-40 covers sent by registered post on the return flight is a fair estimate. The general opinion of professional philatelists here is much more conservative and in single digits.
Registered mail from Geneva to Bangalore, flown on the London - Bombay return flight on 12 June. Postmarked GENEVE-1, POSTE AERIENNE, 12-VI-48-7, and an arrival mark on the reverse BANGALORE, REG, 16 JUN 48.
Registered mail from Geneva to Bangalore, flown on the London - Bombay return flight on 12 June. Postmarked GENEVE-1, POSTE AERIENNE, 12-VI-48-7, and an arrival mark on the reverse INLAND REGN., DELY. DEPTT, BOMBAY G.P.O., DELY, 15 JUN 48, 10.45 A.M.
This cover was intended for the return flight, but returned a week later.
Air -India International red souvenir cover for the return flight was posted in time. the cancellation mark on the postage stamp is identical with the cancellation on the registered mail, GENEVE-1, POSTE AERIENNE, 12-VI-48-7. However, the arrival mark on the reverse, BOMBAY-1, DELY, 1.30 P.M., 21 JUN 48 clearly establishes that this cover missed the first return flight.
Air -India International red souvenir cover for the return flight was posted in time. the cancellation mark on the postage stamp is identical with the cancellation on the registered mail, GENEVE-1, POSTE AERIENNE, 12-VI-48-7. However, the arrival mark on the reverse, BOMBAY-1, DELY, 1.30 P.M., 21 JUN 48 clearly establishes that this cover missed the first return flight.
Return mail from Cairo
There is no clear evidence of any return mail from Cairo on this flight. It just does not seem to exist. I have come across this one registered cover with a 12 June 1948 mark, and speculate whether there is any possibility this made it on the return flight.
Here is a Private issue registered mail cover that was flown from Bombay to Cairo on the first outward flight, and has an arrival stamp at Cairo dated 9 Jun 18. There is another stamp which reads CAIRO DELIVERY, FOREIGN, R, 12 JUN 48, 10.00 A. One can speculate that this was returned to the sender on the return first flight, but there is no arrival stamp in Bombay to establish this.
Check in baggage tags
On 12th March 1950 Rome was introduced as a halt on U.K. route.
Route map from timetable 1 June 1950 showing the rome was introduced as a halt on Bombay to London services.
AI timetable dated 1 June 1950
Coaster & Decal
On 15th October, 1950 Bombay / London route extended through Calcutta
Air-India increased the frequency of its India-UK flights to four per week and, from 17 October, extended two services a week from Bombay to Calcutta.
Route map from timetable April 1951 showing that Bombay / London route was extended through calcutta.
AI timetable dated April 1951 showing flight schedule time of Calcutta to London Via Cairo and Rome or Geneva.
AI timetable dated April 1951 showing fare & excess bagaage charges of Calcutta to London Via Cairo and Rome or Geneva.
Air Mail cover flown from Calcutta to London via Bombay
Air Mail cover flown from Calcutta to London via Bombay on Air-India's Inaugural flight on this route. Post marked CAL FNG POST, 16 OCT, 1:45 PM, 1950, and on reverse the maroon boxed rectangular cachet, CALCUTTA-LONDON, FIRST FLIGHT 17TH OCT' 50, G.P.O. CALCUTTA.
The air mail label printed on the cover has a unified map of India, Pakistan and Burma, notwithstanding the face that Burma was separated in 1937, and Pakistan in 1947.Also unusual is the typewritten endorsement on the cover for the first flight. Most examples I have seen so far have been commercial mail.
The air mail label printed on the cover has a unified map of India, Pakistan and Burma, notwithstanding the face that Burma was separated in 1937, and Pakistan in 1947.Also unusual is the typewritten endorsement on the cover for the first flight. Most examples I have seen so far have been commercial mail.
Cover flown on Air-India's route extension to Calcutta as a point of origin foe the Calcutta - Bombay - London service. Violet color boxed rectengular First Flight cachet CALCUTTA - LONDON, FIRST FLIGHT, 17th OCT '50, G.P.O. CALCUTTA. on the verso of the meter franked cover CALCUTTA, M & Co, C-398, 15 X 50. Cover addressed to Allestree, Derby, England, with arrivla stamp DERBY, A, 19 OCT 1950, 2-15 PM. Cover then redirected to Edinburgh. Also on reverse is the wax seal MACNEILL & BARRY LTD., CALCUTTA.
Cover flown from Calcutta to London via Bombay on Air-India's inaugural flight on this route. Postmakred CAL FGN. POST, 16 OCT, 1-PM, 1950, AIR., and on reverse the maroon boxed rectangular cachet, CALCUTTA - LONDON, FIRST FLIGHT 17th OCT '50, G.P.O. CALCUTTA.
Air mail flwon from Calcutta to London via Bombay on Air-India's inaugural flight on this route. on reverse postmarked in maroon boxed rectangular cachet, CALCUTTA - LONDON, FIRST FLIGHT 17th OCT '50, G.P.O. CALCUTTA.
Air Letter sent to England from Assam in October 1950. On 17 October 1950 Air-India extended it's network to Calcutta, operating a direct service from eastern India to the UK via Bombay. Mauve circular rectangular Air-India handstamp, on the reverse of the Air Letter. Complete letter.
On 7th April, 1951 Paris introduced as a halt on the U.K. route
Route map from timetable April 1951 showing the Paris introduced as a halt on Bombay / London services
AI timetable dated April 1951 showing flight schedule time UK route.
AI timetable dated April 1951 showing fare & excess bagaage charges of Calcutta to London Via Cairo and Rome or Geneva.
Coaster & Decal used on this route
On 21st Feb, 1953 Dusseldorf introduced as a halt on U.K. route
An intermediate halt on the Bombay - London Service was introducedat Dusseldorf starting from 1st March 1953.
Route map from AI timetable 1st June 1953 showing Dusseldorf introduced as a halt on Bombay / London services.
AI timetable dated 1st June 1953 showing flight schedule time of Bombay / London services.
Single, Return & Excess baggage fare list from timetable 1st June 1953.
Coaster & Decal
Air Mail cover flown on this route
An Air mail letter flown on the Bombay - London service. An Air-letter cancelled DUSSELDORF, 01.3.53, and addressed to Air India, Bombay. Once the letter reached Bombay, the city name was overtyped, and cancelled, and the same letter was re-sent to Dusseldorf.
On 4th July, 1955 Beirut and Zurich Introduced as a halts on the U.K. route
Route map from timetable August 1955, showing the Beirut & Zurich introduced as a halt on Bombay / London services.
AI timetable dated August 1955 showing flight schedule time of Bombay / London services with introduction of new halt Beirut & Zurich on this route.
Single, Return & Excess baggage fare list from timetable August 1955..
Coaster & Decal
Air-India International
First Flight Zurich - Bombay
5 July 1955
First Flight Zurich - Bombay
5 July 1955
Registered cover cancelled at zurich, LUFTPORT, 5.VII.55 and flown on the Air-India Interantional Inuagural Flight from Zurich to Bombay on 5 July 1955. On the reverse is the arrival mark at BOMBAY INLAND REGN, DELY xxx Bombay, Dely 9July 55 11.30 AM. There is also handstamp on the reverse, SWISSAIR, Cargo and Mail dIvision, Cargo Section, ZURICH. rare cover.
Image Courtesy: Murali Nair)
Image Courtesy: Murali Nair)
Baggage Tags
On 3rd April, 1956 Damascus introduced as a halt on the U.K. route
AI Timetable July 1956 showing the Damascus introduced as a halt on Bombay to London services.
TImetable 1st July 1956 showing the flight schedule on Bombay / London services.
TImetable 1st July 1956 showing the Flight single, return & Excess baggage fare charges.
Coaster & Decal
On 4th April, 1956 Prague Introduced as a halt on the U.K. route
TImetable 1st July 1956, showing the route map on Bombay / London services
Timetable 1st July 1956 showing the flight schedule time on Bombay to London services
AI timetable 1st July 1956, showing the single, return & excess baggage fare charges on Bombay to London services.
Coaster & Decal
Air Mail cover flown on this route
Rome was introduced as a halt on the Bombay - London route on 12 March 1950.
Now, on 4 April 1956, Prague was introduced as a halt on this route.
Now, on 4 April 1956, Prague was introduced as a halt on this route.
Rome was introduced as a halt on the Bombay - London route on 12 March 1950.
Now, on 4 April 1956, Prague was introduced as a halt on this route.
This is information card of Air-India showing destinations serviced by the L-1049 Super Constellation aircraft.
Now, on 4 April 1956, Prague was introduced as a halt on this route.
This is information card of Air-India showing destinations serviced by the L-1049 Super Constellation aircraft.
On 10th April, 1960 Frankfurt introduced as a halt on the U.K. route
Timetable dated 10th April 1960 showing the Frankfurt introduced as a halt on Bombay to London route on 10th April 1960.
AI timetable 10 April 1960 showing the flight schedule time on Bombay to London route on 10th April 1960.
AI timetable 10 April 1960 showing the Single, Return & Excess Baggage fare charges on Bombay to London route on 10th April 1960.
On 19 April, 1960, Inauguration of Bombay / London service with Boeing 707 "Annapurna " on a twice weekly frequency.
The Boeing 707-437 aircraft with Rolls Royce engines was first used on this flight. VT-DJJ (VT-DVA?) Annapurna was the aircraft used. This aircraft crashed at Bombay on 22 June 1982.
The Boeing 707-437 aircraft with Rolls Royce engines was first used on this flight. VT-DJJ (VT-DVA?) Annapurna was the aircraft used. This aircraft crashed at Bombay on 22 June 1982.
The cover bears the autographs of Capt. Byramjee and Capt. K.R. Gazder.
(Image Courtesy - Mr. Harsh Gupta, The Rudraksha Collection)
The cover bears the autographs of Capt. Byramjee and Capt. K.R. Gazder.
(Image Courtesy - Mr. Harsh Gupta, The Rudraksha Collection)
Cover flown from Bombay to London on the inaugural Boeing 707 service, Franked with 33p Book Post rate.
The air mail label printed on the cover has a unified map of India, Pakistan and Burma, Notwithstanding the face that Burma was separated in 1937, and Pakistan in 1947.
The air mail label printed on the cover has a unified map of India, Pakistan and Burma, Notwithstanding the face that Burma was separated in 1937, and Pakistan in 1947.
The Boeing 707-437 aircraft with Rolls Royce engines was first used on this flight. VT-DJJ (VT-DVA?) Annapurna was the aircraft used. This aircraft crashed at Bombay on 22 June 1982.
Air Mail cover with the purple 'Bombay-London Boeing 707 Inaugural Service, Bombay 19th April 1960' Air-India special stamps adding up to Rs.1.05 with circular Bombay G.P.O. date cancellation mark.
Air Mail cover with violet boxed rectengular cachet for the Boeing 707 flight on the Rome - Bombay stage flown on 21 April 1960.
Official Air-India stationary printed souvenir cover with violet boxed rectengular cachet for the First Boeing 707 Flight on the Rome - Bombay stage flown on 21 April 1960.
On 14th May, 1960 Air-India International extended its U.k. Route to New York
Air-India began a twice weekly service from London to New York with Boeing 707-437s. The first flight was by Annapurna VT-DJJ under the command of Capt K R Gazder. The frequency was increased to thrice weekly in Summer from 11 June 1960.
Timetable dated 1st May 1960 showing the route map of Bombay to London services extended to New York on 14 May 1960.
Timetable dated 1 May 1960 showing the Passengers Single, Return & Excess Baggage fare charges on Bombay to London extended services to New York on 14th May 1960.
Air-India International Booking and Sales offices
AI Aircraft
Bombay to London services extended to New York on 14 May 1960 with the use of Boeing 707-437s.
The first flight was by Annapurna VT-DJJ under the command of Capt K R Gazder. The frequency was increased to thrice weekly in Summer from 11 June 1960.
The first flight was by Annapurna VT-DJJ under the command of Capt K R Gazder. The frequency was increased to thrice weekly in Summer from 11 June 1960.
AI Boeing 707, VT-DJJ Annapurna
Air Mail cover flown on the First Flight from Bombay to New York on 14 May 1960.
The Bombay - London service was extended to New York once a week.
Air-India souvenir cover with Air-India purple commemoration rubber stamp and Bombay G.P.O. date cancellation stamp.
Air-India souvenir cover with Air-India purple commemoration rubber stamp and Bombay G.P.O. date cancellation stamp.
The cover flown from Bombay to London route, extended to New York.
The cover bears the autograph of the Capt. K.R. Gazder and D.J. Bilmoria
(Image Courtesy - Mr. Harsh Gupta, The Rudraksha Collection)
The cover bears the autograph of the Capt. K.R. Gazder and D.J. Bilmoria
(Image Courtesy - Mr. Harsh Gupta, The Rudraksha Collection)
Commercial Air Mail cover tied with Bombay cancellation dated 14-5-60 and hand stamped with dark blue overfirst flight cachet, addressed to Benicia, California, U.S.A., with additional franking on reverse. Rare to see commercial mail on this flight.
Cover flown from Bombay to London on the inaugural Boeing 707 service to New York. Franked with 33p Book Post rate. The Air Mail label printed on the cover has a unified map of India, Pakistan and Burma, notwithstanding the face that Burma was separated in1937, and Pakistan in1947.
Return Flight New York to Bombay 14 May 1960.
Air Letter (Aerogramme) cover with U.S. Mail mark dated 14 May 1960 and Light Blue Air-India flight commemoration cachet on front, and Bombay Airport receiving stamp dated 16.5.1960 on the reverse.
Cover with United Nations Cancellation mark dated 14 May 1960 and green Air India flight commemoration stamp on front, and Bombay Airport receiving stamp dated 16.5.60 on the reverse.
Post Card with United Nations Cancellation mark dated 14 May 1960 and green Air India flight commemoration stamp on front, and Bombay Airport receiving stamp dated 16.5.60 on the front.
Post Card with United Nations Cancellation mark dated 14 May 1960 and green Air India flight commemoration stamp on front, and Bombay Airport receiving stamp dated 16.5.60 on the front.
Cover with Idelwild Airport, N.Y. cancellation mark and purple Air-India flight commemoration stamp on front, and Bombay Airport receiving stamp dated 16.5.60 on the reverse.
Air Mail cover with United Nations Cancellation mark dated 14 May 1960 and green Air-India flight commemoration stamp on front, and Bombay Airport receiving stamp dated 16.5.60 on the reverse.
Cover with green rectengular boxed return flight cachet, and five different U.N. Postage stamps and addressed to Denmark. The reverse has the Bombay Airport arrival mark.
Air Letter (Aerogramme) cover twith United Nations cancellation mark dated 14 May 1960 and green Air-India flight commemoration stamp on front, and Bombay Airport receiving stamp dated 16.5.60 on the reverse.
This souvenir card was inserted inside the commemorative Air-India cover issued for the Flight on the Bombay - New York sector with the introduction of Rome as a halt for the first time.
This is the commemorative Air-India cover issued for the flight on Bombay-New York sector with the introduction of Rome as a halt for the first time.
First Flight - Route extension to Calcutta of the Bombay - New York service on 9 June 1960.
The Bombay - New York service via Cairo, Rome, Frankfurt and London was extended to start from Calcutta.
Air Mail cover with Air-India purple commemoration rubber stamp and Calcutta Foreign post date cancellation stamp of 9 June 1960. This cover flown Calcutta - Rome arrival stamp on reverse dated 10 VI 1960.
Air Mail cover with Air-India purple commemoration rubber stamp and Calcutta Foreign post date cancellation stamp of 9 June 1960. This cover flown Calcutta - Rome arrival stamp on reverse dated 10 VI 1960.
The Bombay - New York service via Cairo, Rome, Frankfurt and London was extended to start from Calcutta.
Air Mail cover with Air-India purple commemoration rubber stamp and Calcutta Foreign post date cancellation stamp of 9 June 1960. This cover was flown on the Calcutta - Frankfurt stage.
Air Mail cover with Air-India purple commemoration rubber stamp and Calcutta Foreign post date cancellation stamp of 9 June 1960. This cover was flown on the Calcutta - Frankfurt stage.
The Bombay - New York service via Cairo, Rome, Frankfurt and London was extended to start from Calcutta.
Air Mail cover with Air-India purple commemoration rubber stamp and CALCUTTA FOREIGN POST date cancellation stamp of 9 June 1960. This cover flown on Calcutta - London stage.
Air Mail cover with Air-India purple commemoration rubber stamp and CALCUTTA FOREIGN POST date cancellation stamp of 9 June 1960. This cover flown on Calcutta - London stage.
The Bombay - New York service via Cairo, Rome, Frankfurt and London was extended to start from Calcutta.
Double Print Airmail cover with Air-India purple commemoration rubber stamp and CALCUTTA FOREIGN POST date cancellation stamp of 9 June 1960. This cover flown on Calcutta - London stage.
Double Print Airmail cover with Air-India purple commemoration rubber stamp and CALCUTTA FOREIGN POST date cancellation stamp of 9 June 1960. This cover flown on Calcutta - London stage.
The Bombay - New York service via Cairo, Rome, Frankfurt and London was extended to start from Calcutta.
Air Mail cover with Air-India purple commemoration rubber stamp and CALCUTTA FOREIGN POST date cancellation stamp of 9 June 1960. This cover flown on Calcutta - New York Stage.
Air Mail cover with Air-India purple commemoration rubber stamp and CALCUTTA FOREIGN POST date cancellation stamp of 9 June 1960. This cover flown on Calcutta - New York Stage.
Geneva - Bombay
First Jet Flight, Boeing 707
3 July, 1960
First Jet Flight, Boeing 707
3 July, 1960
Registered Cover with Geneva Registration Label No 707 dated 2 VII 60 and Bombay Airport receiving stamp dated 7.7.60 on the reverse. Also on reverse a Bombay Custom House Postal Appraising Section hand stamp 'Passed'.
Cover produced by Philatelistenclub Swissair, Zurich.
Cover produced by Philatelistenclub Swissair, Zurich.
First Boeing 707 Non-Stop Flight Rome - Bombay on the London - Bombay route.
4 May 1961
4 May 1961
On 3 May 1961, Zurich was discontinued as a scheduled halt on the U.K. route.
Rome was introduced as a halt instead.
This cover was flown on the return non-stop flight from Rome to Bombay on 4 May 1961.
Rome was introduced as a halt instead.
This cover was flown on the return non-stop flight from Rome to Bombay on 4 May 1961.
First Boeing 707 Flight from Prague to Bombay on 4 May 1961
Air Mail cover mailed in Denmark addressed to Bombay via Prague, flown on the first Air-India Boeing 707 service AI 108 on the Prague-Bombay stage.
First Boeing 707 Flight Vienna - Bombay via Rome.
On the London - Bombay route
23 May 1961
On the London - Bombay route
23 May 1961
Vienna was introduced as a halt on the Bombay - London route.
This cover was flown on the return flight from Vienna to Bombay via Rome on 23 May 1961.
This cover was flown on the return flight from Vienna to Bombay via Rome on 23 May 1961.
Vienna was introduced as a halt on the Bombay - London route.
This cover was flown on the return flight from Vienna to Bombay via Rome on 23 May 1961.
The covers have 2 additional cachets, LupostaWien 101, and Ersttag.
This cover was flown on the return flight from Vienna to Bombay via Rome on 23 May 1961.
The covers have 2 additional cachets, LupostaWien 101, and Ersttag.